Sermon title: 從恩典到榮耀 From Grace To Glory Passage: 提多書 Titus 2:11-14 戴爾牧師 Pastor Dale Outline: 這是恩典的福音 It’s a gospel of grace 這是榮耀的福音 It’s a gospel of glory 從恩典到榮耀 From grace to glory
Sermon title: 黑暗世界的光 Lights in a Darkened World 戴爾牧師 Pastor Dale Passage: 約 John 6:16-21 Outline: 就當恐懼戰兢做成你們得救的工夫 Work out your salvation with fear and trembling 凡所行的,都不要發怨言,起爭論 Do all things without grumbling…
1. Am I submitting my reputation to God? 我是否將我的聲譽交托給上帝? 2. Am I stewarding my resources in serving others? 我是否在事奉他人時善用我的資源? 3. Am I sharing the ministry of reconciliation as Christ’s ambassador?…
SETTING MY PRIORITIES 設定我的優先順序 “…this one thing I do…” “…我只做这一件事…” SUBMITTING THE PAST TO GOD 將過去交給上帝 “…forgetting what lies behind…” “…忘記背後…” STAYING FOCUSED ON GOD’S PROMISES 專注於上帝的應許 “…straining forward to…
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