陳金昌牧師來自中國天津﹐畢業於南開大學。1993年于美國弗吉尼亞聯邦大學就讀化學專業﹐畢業以後﹐曾在制藥公司工作多年。陳牧師在讀書期間信主,之後熱心參與教會服事。在服事當中,夫妻同時感受到上帝呼召。在確認上帝的帶領之後,夫妻雙雙辭去工作,于2003年秋季入讀達拉斯神學院。除了在聖經和神學知識上裝備自己以外﹐陳牧師兼修教牧輔導,培養在婚姻和家庭輔導方面的技巧。2007年他以優異成績從神學院畢業﹐獲神學碩士學位。畢業之後,在南加州地區牧養教會多年。牧會期間陳牧師繼續深造﹐於2018年在富勒神學院獲得教牧學博士學位﹐主修靈命指導。陳牧師和師母Becky育有兩個女兒: Emily和Amanda。
Pastor Jinchang Chen is from Tianjin, China and graduated from Nankai University. He studied chemistry at Virginia Commonwealth University in 1993. Upon graduation, he worked for pharmaceutical companies for some years. During his study in Virginia, he came to know Christ. Since then he has actively involved with ministries in local churches. During his service together with his wife, both of them felt God’s calling to full-time ministry. After confirming that this was truly leading from the Lord, they then resigned from their jobs, and Pastor Chen enrolled in Dallas Theological Seminary. In addition to equipping himself with biblical and theological knowledge, he also developed his skills in pastoral counseling. In 2007 he graduated with honors and received the degree of Master of Theology. Since then, Pastor Chen has been serving Chinese churches in southern California. During this time, he continued his theological training. In 2018 Pastor Chen received the degree of Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, specialized in spiritual direction. Pastor Chen and his wife Becky have two daughters – Emily and Amanda.
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