5C HOME 主頁

Welcome! WELCOME! 我們歡迎你

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We are so glad that you found us, and we can’t wait to meet you!  The Central Coast Chinese Christian Church (5C) is a non-denominational church located in San Luis Obispo that gathers believers for the:

  1. Worship of God
  2. Instruction for Biblical discipleship
  3. Fellowship by sharing our lives
  4. Evangelism for the unreached

The 5C focus is for all who share in the Chinese culture on the central coast.

中岸基督教會是一家獨立教會,不隸屬於任何宗派,本教會聚會地點座落於加州中海岸San Luis Obispo城內,我們的使命是集合基督的信徒同心一起:

  1. 敬拜上帝
  2. 根據聖經造就基督門徒
  3. 團契分享生活體驗
  4. 對未及之民分享福音恩典


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