5C Re-opens

Church has re-opened since 8/8/2021. 

If you cannot come in person for Worship or Sunday School, you may click Online Church to use Zoom to join church activities.
如果不能親自到教会, 请點擊 网上教会 參加网上崇拜和其他活動

Due to the pandemic, we will follow the recommended safety practices.  因为疫情的關係,聚會時将遵循政府推荐的安全措施

九月八日中秋節聚餐 (一家一菜) 慶祝活動

教會將於週日 9 月 8 日下午 5 點在聖瑪麗亞南谷社區教堂舉辦中秋節聚餐(一家一菜) 慶祝活動。歡迎廣邀家人和朋友參加這個特別的慶祝活動。 Church will hold a Mid-Autumn Festival potluck dinner at South Valley Community Church in Santa Maria at 5:00 pm on Sunday, Sept 8th. Please invite family and friends to join this special celebration. 地址: 聖瑪麗亞南谷社區教堂 South Valley Community Church 1054 E Clark…

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耶穌受難日崇拜 Good Friday Service

教會將於週五 3 月 29 日晚上 7 點 30 分在 Zoom 上舉行耶穌受難日敬拜。請準備好我們的心來記念主在十字架上的犧牲。 Our church will hold Good Friday service on Zoom at 7:30pm on Friday 3/29. Please prepare our hearts to remember the sacrifice of our Lord on the Cross.  請自行預備聖餐所用的餅和杯 Please prepare your own elements for holy communion 請點擊下面鏈接參加聚會  The…

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