04-19-2021 Newsletter 牧師家書

Dear Friends at 5C:

There was a very good discussion about the Sunday message during prayer meeting last Thursday, and it was amazing to see how deep our members can grasp the notion of the divine sonship in Christ, which becomes the fundamental of our Christian life. People are truly on fire when they see the truth revealed from the Word of God. Yes, we should be!  Our identity in Christ determines who we are now and who we will become in the future.

Now as we are moving into the second part of the Book of Galatians, our study is just getting better and better. This book is very rich in teaching Christian life. However, it is often overlooked by Bible students. One brother told me that he feels this series is quite different from those messages that he heard online. Yes, truly it is. I believe that many messages focus more on the doctrine of justification by faith, but they miss the key elements in the book. Therefore, there is a good reason to believe that the best part of our study is yet to come.

The big news about COVID-19 came last week when the CDC announced to pause the use of J&J vaccines because of six blood clots reported in the United States. It seems that the vaccine may cause the immune system to react unexpectedly and create this problem. The J&J vaccine belongs to the same type of vaccine as that of Astra-Zeneca, which has caused more troubles in Europe. The likely scenario is that the US may never grant the use of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, but we expect that the US may resume J&J vaccination in a few days with some limits or warning. Medical doctors are working to find out the cause of these blood clots, and it is speculated that this may have something to do with a person’s medication or medical condition. It is clear that the benefit of the J&J vaccine is far outweighing the risk.

This news certainly will add more to people who have already shown their hesitation to receive the vaccines. Please note that these cases of blood clots are very rare, maybe one in millions. The chance for anyone to have this problem is far less than the chance of dying in a car crash, but it is higher for anyone who wins a billion dollars lottery. It is wise to talk to your doctor if you have any medical condition before taking the vaccines. There is a risk to take vaccines, but this risk is worth taking because it is far better for anyone to fall ill at the mercy of this vicious virus.

Thanks to Brothers Joseph Ma and Jackson Ho who volunteered to participate in a painting project in the Student Union last Saturday. Praise the Lord for their labor to create a better place for our Sunday worship. According to SLONaz church, the remodeling of the Student Union is projected to be finished by May 15. Therefore, we will have sufficient time to prepare for returning in-person service on June 13. Please keep this in your prayers as church leaders are working diligently in planning our safe return.

Ministry Update:

  1. Raymond Wu will lead church prayer meeting (in Chinese) at 7:30pm this Thursday 4/22
  2. Pastor Chen’s virtual office hours are scheduled from 10:00am-12:00pm Friday 4/23
  3. Small group “Joy” will meet at 7:30pm Friday 4/23 through Zoom
  4. Small group “Grace Garden” will meet at 7:30pm Sunday 4/25 through Zoom
  5. Chinese Sunday school (Hong Yao) and English Sunday school (Rachel Ma)
  6. Pastor Ray will continue the sermon series of Genesis this Sunday 4/25
  7. Deacon board will communicate church reopening plan on Sunday, May 9
  8. Our church decides to reopen in-person service on Sunday June 13
  9. Our church prepares to launch a disciple-training program in the summer

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for the Coronavirus outbreak in the US and around the world
  2. Pray for physical and spiritual well-being of our church members
  3. Pray for the church reopening on Sunday, June 13
  4. Pray for small group ministry in our church
  5. Pray for the launch of disciple training program in the summer
  6. Pray for Crystal Cui for her shingles and her Mother’s migraine headaches
  7. Pray for Lydia Anderson’s resurgent brain tumor
  8. Pray for Annie’s sister and Anderson’s brother for Parkinson’s disease

Look forward to seeing you virtually on Sunday.





有關新冠病毒的重大新聞是上週 CDC 宣布暫停使用強生疫苗,原因是在美國有六名患者接種該疫苗後出現血栓。這可能是疫苗引發免疫系統反應而造成的問題。強生疫苗與阿斯利康疫苗屬於同類疫苗,後者在歐洲引起了許多問題。現在看來,美國可能不會使用阿斯利康疫苗。在未來幾天內,強生疫苗很可能會恢復接種。當然 CDC 會設定一定的限制或警告,醫學人員正在努力尋找引發血栓的原因,據推測這可能與患者的用藥或健康狀況有關。顯然,強生疫苗的使用利大於弊。


感謝馬新波弟兄和何成諾弟兄上週六自願幫助學生中心粉刷。為他們的辛勤工作感謝主,這將為主日敬拜創造一個更好的環境。據拿撒勒人教會計劃,學生中心的改建工程預計於 5 月 15 日完成。因此,我們將有足夠的時間為 6 月 13 日的重返教堂敬拜做準備。請大家繼續為教會領袖祈禱,他們正努力工作,為大家籌備平安重返教堂。

1. 胡其健弟兄將帶領本週四 4 月 22 日晚間 7 點半的中文禱告會
2. 陳牧師本週辦公時間為週五 4 月 16 日上午 10 點至 12 點
3. 『喜樂』小組 4 月 23 日週五晚間 7 點半線上聚會
4. 『恩典花園』小組 4 月 25 日週日晚間 7 點半線上聚會
5. 本週中文主日學將由姚宏姐妹帶領,英文主日學由馬若曦姐妹帶領
6. 下主日 4 月 25 日裴牧師將會繼續《創世紀》講道系列
7. 執事會將與 5 月 9 日週日與會眾溝通重返教堂的事宜
8. 教會計劃於夏天開展門徒訓練計劃,歡迎所有教會成員參加

1. 為美國及世界各地的新冠肺炎的爆發
2. 為我們教會所有成員的身體及屬靈健康
3. 為 6 月 13 日的重返教堂計劃
4. 為教會新組建的各個小組
5. 為教會即將開展的門徒訓練計劃禱告
6. 為正在受帶狀皰疹折磨的崔琳姐妹祈禱,並為她母親的偏頭疼祈禱
7. 為馮慶芳姐妹復發性腦瘤及後續的治療祈禱
8. 為裴師母姐姐和林恩深弟兄的哥哥祈禱,他們正在遭受帕金森氏綜合症的困擾

主僕 陳金昌

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