The Gospel of God 神的福音 Required response 必要的回应
It is an expression of Love (Luke 7:36-47) 它是愛的表達 (路加福音 7:36-47) It is an expression of Faith (Ps 63) 它是信心的表達 (詩篇 63) It is an expression of Hope (Phil 4:8,…
Four options for solving a problem (John 6) 解決問題的四個選擇 (約翰第六章) Four responses to Jesus (Job 9:8 & Psalms 77:19) 對耶穌的四種回應 (約伯記 9:8 和 詩篇 77:19)
Introduction 導論 If you love God, you will keep His Commandments 你們若愛神,就必遵守祂的命令 God will send the Holy Spirit to be your helper, v 16 父就賜給你們一位保惠師 How does the Spirit help…
神的帶領God Guides: (出Exo 13) a)繞道而行 (13: 17, 18) b)日間雲柱, 夜間火柱 (13: 21, 22) c)在逼迫中, 神掌權 (14: 5 – 12) 不要懼怕 Do Not be Afraid (出Exo 14: 13 - 31) a)人看眼前環境…