01-10-2021 Hard Question and Hopeful Answers艱難的問題與滿有盼望的答案
When Will I Again Experience The Presence Of God?
2. 我如何知道上帝與我同在
How Do I Know God Is With/Within Me?
3. 你為何在如此艱困的環境不顯明自己
Why Aren’t You Revealing Yourself In These Difficult Circumstances
4. 為何我的心裡面如此動蕩
Why Is There So Much Turmoil Within Me?
5. 應對強大的動蕩與麻煩
Responding To Overwhelming Turmoil And Trouble
6. 你為何忘記我
Why Have You Forgotten Me?
7. 受苦時的回應
Responding When I Am Suffering