2-21-2021 Genesis Day 5: God Created Living Creatures in the Sea and Birds in the Air 創世記 第五天 (2)
Introduction 引言:
1. 從現代鯨魚的奇妙來探索上帝的智慧
Learning Divine Wisdom from the Wonders of Modern Day Whales
2. 從鳥類的奇美、行為、光彩來觀察上帝的智慧
Learning Divine Wisdom from the Wondrous Beauty, Behavior, and Brilliance
of the Birds
3. 世上的智慧在神是愚拙(林前 3:19-20,1:19-20;羅 1:21-22)
The Wisdom of the World is Foolishness to God (I Cor. 3:19-20, 1:19-20;
Rom. 1:21-22)
Conclusion 結語:
The Hope Giving Wisdom from the Golden Plover金斑鸻帶給我們“盼望的智慧”