November 14, 2021

2021-11-14 DNA

Passage: 創 Gen. 1.24-31
Service Type:

DNA: God’s Marvel; Man’s Deception; the Bible’s
創 Gen. 1.24-31
Pastor Ray Petzholt 裴瑞明牧師

1. What is DNA
2. Atheist scientists use DNA to turn men into animals
無神論科學家使用 DNA 將人變成動物
3. The Bible cryptically and supernaturally revealed DNA and its working
3000 years ago
聖經在三千年前就神秘地,超自然地啓示 DNA 以及它的運作
4. Scientific Bible truths are confirmed by DNA
合乎科學的聖經真理被 DNA 確認
5. DNA and finding peace with my physical body
DNA 和安於自己的身體
6. Conclusion 結論

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