December 15, 2019

2019-12-15 Jesus, The Word

Passage: John 1:1-5;9-14
Service Type:

Jesus, The Word


Pastor Dale

John 1:1-5;9-14 約翰福音一章:l 一5,9 一14

  1. Jesus, the Word, stood face to face with God in the beginning (1-5)


  1. Jesus, the Word, agent of creation, is the source of life


  1. Jesus, the Word, was/is the true light which gives light to every man (5, 9-13)

耶穌就是神的道,祂是真光 、照亮一切生在世上的人

  1. Jesus, The Word, became Flesh and “Dwelt among us” (14a)


  1. Jesus, The Word, revealed what God is like to us (14b)

耶穌就是神的道, 神藉著耶穌向我們顯明

Conclusion 結論

Challenge 挑戰

How, then, will we celebrate the birth of Christ?


Jesus, the Word


W-orship Him! 敬拜祂!

O-bey Him! 順服祂!

R-present Him! 代表祂!

D-eclare Him! 宣揚祂!

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