07 - Knowing God as Our Father – The New Covenant 認識為父的神 - 新約 耶Jer. 31:31-33; 結Eze. 36: 27-28; 約John 14: 16-17 1. 盟約之間的關係Relationship among Biblical Covenants 2. 新約的特徵Characteristics of the…
2020-01-05 Life Reboot 重新啟航 林後2 Corinthians 5:17 1. 新年不是機械地重複 New Year is not a repetition 2. 新年不是簡單的累加 New Year is not an addition 3. 新年乃是重新來過 New Year is an opportunity…
Why Small Groups? 為何加入小組 出Ex 18:13-25; 徒Acts 2:46-47 1. 小組的觀念來自聖經The concept of small groups comes from the Bible 2. 小組造就信徒Believers are edified in small groups 3. 小組擴展教會Church is expanded through…
Confess To One Another 彼此認罪 Pastor Chen 陳金昌牧師 各 James. 5:13-18 1. 定義彼此認罪 Define the confession 2. 認識彼此認罪 Understand the confession 3. 操練彼此認罪 Exercise the confession
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