是上帝降下這場瘟疫嗎? Did God Send the Coronavirus? 經文Passage: 詩篇 Psalm 91:1-8 有關上帝與瘟疫的爭議Concerning God in Current Pandemic 聖經記載上帝使用瘟疫God and Plagues in the Bible 我們對他人疑問的回應Our Response to People's Inquiries
認識信徒的復活 Understanding the Resurrection of Believers 復活是上帝超自然的能力展示。在基督再來的日子﹐所有的信徒將擁有基督一般的身體(約壹3:2﹔腓3:21)。那麼﹐這樣的身體有什麼特性呢﹖根據聖經的啟示﹐大致歸納出﹐復活的身體有七種特性。 The resurrection is a demonstration of God's supernatural power. On the day of Christ’s return, all believers will have the body like Christ’s…
善於應變 Coping with Change 1. 接受必須改變的事實 Realize the necessity of change in real life 2. 抓住萬變之中的不變 Hold on the unchangeable in rapidly changing world 3. 擁抱成長 Embrace the opportunity to grow
Naomi's Misfortune 拿俄米的不幸 Passage: 得 Ruth 1:1-5, 19-22 1. 人們試圖解釋苦難 It is attempted to explain human sufferings 2. 解析拿俄米的不幸 Biblical scholars expound Naomi's misfortune 3. 危機之中的反思 Reflection in midst of…
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