Genesis 1:24-25 Day 6 Cattle, Creeping things, Beasts 創世記 1:24-25 第六天 畜類、昆蟲、野獸 Introduction 引言: Message Outline 信息大綱: 1. ‘Biomimicry’ is 1-way animals speak to us: many of man’s inventions 1…
The Creator’s Wisdom Manifest in Creeping Things Genesis Day 5 & 6 昆虫彰显上帝的智慧 第五,六天 Introduction 引言: Message Outline 信息大纲: 1. Bugs Expose the Vanity of Evolution’s Sacred Trinity 昆虫揭发进化论神圣三位一体的虚妄 A).…
Genesis 1:26-27: Is Man Created by God or an Evolved animal? 創世記 1:26-27 :人是上帝創造的還是進化的動物? Introduction 引言: 1. We Must Know Our True ‘Roots’ as a Human Being 我們必須知道身爲人類的真實 ‘根本’ 2.…
Man’s Origin, Relationships, Vocation and Purpose 人的原始、關係、職責與目的 Message Outline 信息大綱: Genesis Reveals Man’s Four Key Relationships 創世記啓示人四個關鍵性的關係 1. Man’s Relationship with His Creator 人與他造物主的關係 2. Man’s Relationship with Himself 人與自我的關係…
Comprehensive Ultimate Eternal Security: Our CUES not to Fear 詩篇 完整至終永恆的保障 – 不要懼怕 Pastor Ray Petzholt 裴瑞明牧師 經文Passage: 詩篇Psalm 91 1. Security from countless dangers only comes from an intimate…