What Does It Mean to Be Human 何爲人 經文Passage: 創 Gen 2 Pastor Ray 裴瑞明牧師 1. Human bodies are designed for God and eternity 人的身體是為上帝與永恆設計的 2. History begins in the…
Adam, Type of Christ 亞當,基督的預表 Pastor Ray Petzholt 1. What is a prophetic type 何爲預表 2. Adam is a type of Christ 亞當是基督的預表 Similarities and Contrasts 類同處與對比 3. Garden of…
Introduction 引言: 1. Creation: How God began it all “very good” 創造:上帝如何以“美好”開始 1. Corruption: How man’s sin messed everything up 敗壞:人如何搞砸一切 1. Christ’s Redemption: How God restores everything and fulfills…
1. Review: 3 Crucial Things to Keep in Mind 回顧:要記住的三件關鍵事情 2. Genesis 3 Reveals Why There is Suffering in a World Created by an Omnipotnet & Good Creator 創世紀第三章揭示了為什麼在一個由無所不能和善良的創造者創 造的世界中會有痛苦…