When Bad Things Happen to Good People… 當壞事發生在好人身上... 引言 Introduction: 質問上帝 Question God? 為什麼會有苦難﹖ Why is there suffering in this world? 神義論 Theodicy 上帝即是全能﹐又是慈愛﹐我為什麼還要受苦﹖If God is sovereign and love, why…
Committed to Christ 委身基督 願意犧牲享受 Sacrifice in this life willingly. 耶穌呼召優先 Prioritize Jesus’ calling exclusively. 一心追隨基督 Follow the leading of Christ decisively.
Hello, Jesus! 你好,耶穌! “No offense to fast, but slow is good for the soul. Slow will set you free. While the rest of the world is busy racing to the…
1. It means to be transformed. 得救意味著轉變 2. It means to grow spiritually. 得救意味著成長 3. It means to make efforts. 得救意味著努力
Return to the Campus 重返教堂 Passage 經文:尼Neh 2:8 1. 見證美好信心Witness the good faith 2. 回歸應許之地Return to the promise land 3. 重返教堂Back to the church compound