Death: A Len For Living Life—Fully Or Futilely 死亡: 生活的鏡片-豐富地或無益地 The decisions we make, verse 1ff 我們所做的決定, 1節下 The death that awaits us, verses 2-8 等待我們的死亡, 2-8節 The delight of…
BELIEVER’S BLUEPRINT FOR DAILY LIVING 信徒日常生活的藍圖 1. DO NOT “FRET” verse 1, 不要“心懷不平”1 節 2. TRUST IN THE LORD verse 3, 信靠主,3 節 3. DELIGHT IN THE LORD verse 4,…
Choosing The Right Path For The New Year 為新年選擇正確的道路 箴言 Proverbs 4:20-27 引言 Introduction: 1. 用你的耳朶聽生命的道 Listen with your ears to the “words of life” 2. 用你的眼睛專心在神給予的目標 Focus with your…
BIBLICAL TRUTHS for BAD TIMES 艱難時刻的聖經真理 經⽂ Passage: 诗Psalm 27 1. 聖經向我啟⽰的上帝是誰︖ Who Is The God Revealed To Me In His Word? 2. 我如何在⽣活中回應聖經啟⽰給我的上帝︖ How Do I Walk In Response…
1.我何時將再次經歷上帝的同在When Will I Again Experience The Presence Of God? 2. 我如何知道上帝與我同在How Do I Know God Is With/Within Me? 3. 你為何在如此艱困的環境不顯明自己Why Aren’t You Revealing Yourself In These Difficult Circumstances 4. 為何我的心裡面如此動蕩Why…