認識救贖的神 - 亞當之約 Knowing God as Our Redeemer - The Adamic Covenant 經文Passage: 創Gen 3:14-19 1. 聖經中的七個時代 Seven dispensations through salvation history 2. 亞當之約的若干修訂 The revision in Adamic covenant 3.…
認識審判的神 - 挪亞之約 Knowing God as Our Judge - The Noahic Covenant 1. 盟約的分類Covenants in Two Categories 2. 挪亞之約的特徵Characteristics of the Noahic Covenant 3. 有關上帝懲罰的疑問Questions about God’s Judgment
認識信實的神 - 亞伯拉罕之約 Knowing God as Our Provider - The Abrahamic Covenant 1. 人類的四個元首Human Headship Theology 2. 亞伯拉罕之約的特徵Characteristics of the Abrahamic Covenant 3. 有關上帝揀選的疑問Questions about the Chosen Israel
Knowing God as Our King - The Davidic Covenant 2Sam 7:1-17 Pastor Chen 1. Jesus is the Promised King 2. Jesus is the Perfect King 3. God's Promises in Davidic…
Love One Another 彼此相愛 約壹1 John 4:7-12 1. 具備愛的本性Inherit the Nature of Love 2. 培養愛的生命Cultivate the Life of Love 3. 回應愛的激勵Respond to God’s Love