各盡其能- 使用你的屬靈恩賜 Each According to the Gifts-Exercising your spiritual gif 1. 人人均有恩賜 Each believer is gifted by the Spirit 2. 各具不同恩賜 Believers have different gifts 3. 無人囊括恩賜 None is given…
Make a Sound Judgment: Evaluating Your Spiritual Gifts 合乎中道- 如何看待屬靈恩賜 經文Passage: 林前1 Cor 12:1-3 1. 恩賜同屬基督All gifts are given in Christ 2. 恩賜不分貴賤 Each gift is invaluable 3. 恩賜彼此需要All gifts…
柳暗花明- 如何挖掘屬靈恩賜 It Is a Surprise Journey: Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts 1. 努力挖掘恩賜Work on the discovery of your gifts diligently 2. 不要放棄恩賜 Don’t give up your gifts easily 3. 充分使用恩賜Make…
千錘百煉- 培養你的屬靈恩賜 Forged In Fire: Developing Your Spiritual Gifts 經文Passage: 羅 12:1-8; 彼前1Pe 4:10 1. 具備屬靈熱忱Be passionate about using the gifts 2. 必須心志專一 Be devoted to stewardship 3. 勇於付諸行動Be ready…
認識創造的神 - 伊甸之約 Knowing God as Our Creator- The Edenic Covenant 經文Passage: 創Gen 1:28-30; 2:16-17 1. 聖經中的八個盟約 Eight Covenants in the Bible 2. 伊甸之約的七項內容 Seven provisions in the Edenic Covenant…
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