職場人際關係Relationship at Workplace 1. 剖析主僕關係Expound master-servant relationship 2. 基督成為橋樑Christ becomes the bridge 3. 應當彼此尊重Respect one another in Christ
Spiritual Warfare (I) The Invisible War 屬靈爭戰(I) 看不見的戰爭 1. 認識靈性世界Understand the spiritual world 2. 了解屬靈爭戰Be aware of spiritual warfare 3. 預備屬靈得勝Get ready to overcome
Spiritual Warfare (II) The Armor of God 屬靈爭戰(II) 全副武裝 1. 專注上帝Focus on God 2. 逃避試探Run Away from Temptation 3. 抵擋魔鬼Resist the Devil
更像基督Become More Like Him 1. 遠離惡事 Walk in love (v. 1-6) 2. 行事光明 Walk in light (v. 7-14) 3. 滿有智慧 Walk in wisdom (v. 15-21)
富甲天下-認識你的屬靈恩賜 Heavenly Rich - Knowing your spiritual gifts 1. 上帝啟示你的恩賜God reveals your gifts 2. 生命使你經歷恩賜 New life explores your gifts 3. 重生證明你有恩賜Born-again assures your gifts