Sermon title: 完全的愛 The Perfect Love 陳金昌牧師 Pastor Chen Passage: 約壹 1John 4:7-21 Outline: 什麼是神的愛 What is God's love? 為何神就是愛 Why do we say that God is love? 體驗神的慈愛 Experience the…
1. 了解懷疑本質 Understand the nature of doubt 2. 思考永生確據 Reflect on the assurance of eternal life 3. 正視懷疑 Take your doubts seriously Please click the link below to see sermon…
Sermon Title: 聖經中的十個復活 Ten Resurrection Stories in the Bible 陳金昌牧師 Pastor Chen Passage: 可 Mark 16:1-8 Outline: 先知使死人復活 Prophets raised people from the dead 耶穌使死人復活 Jesus raised people from the…
Interpersonal Relationship is out of balance 人際關係失衡 Reach the integration of love and truth 愛與真理交集 Love in the Truth 愛在真理間
談談宗教寬容 What is about religious tolerance 決意捍衛真理 Be determined to defend the truth 分清界限 Be sensitive to the boundary