基督徒的生死觀Christian View of Death and Afterlife (1) 生死之結 The Knots of Death 對死亡的忌諱 The fear of Death 對長壽的誤解 The misinterpretation of longevity 對人生的期许 The expectation for life and death 中文內容
The Journey of Our Life 生命的旅程 以賽亞書Isa 65:17-25 開始The Beginning﹕一個生命誕生A life begins. 死亡The Death﹕身體與靈魂分離Body and soul are separated. 復活The Resurrection﹕身體與靈魂再次結合Body and soul are reunited. 永恆The Eternity﹕上帝與祂的子民同住God will dwell among His…
健康的教會 A Healthy Church 1. 以弗所教會崛起 Outburst of Ephesian Church. 2. 健康教會的特徵 Three Character of A Healthy Church 3. 同心建造屬靈的家Work Together to Build A Spiritual Home.
真正的自由 Freedom in Christ 1. 從自我中釋放Freedom from self-fulfillment (v. 3) 2. 從比較中釋放Freedom from the comparison (v. 4-12) 3. 從懼怕中釋放Freedom from fear (v. 13-14)
What is Blessing 什么是福 1. 新年祝愿New Year Wishes 2. 智慧言語 Wisdom in Blessings 3. 天國八福The Eight Beatitudes