October 9, 2021

Revival Weekend 2021 Saturday 培靈會第一講

Passage: 路 Luke 10:38-42, 加 Gal 4:19, 可 Mark 3:13-15
Service Type:

Session 1: Evening of Oct 9

Stay close to God – The key element of spiritual growth

Outline 大綱:

  1. One must stay close to God 親近主是不可少的
  2. Jesus expects disciples to stay close 親近主是耶穌對門徒的期待
  3. Staying close is to follow Jesus 親近主是學耶穌的榜樣
  4. Staying close will become obedient to God 親近主至終是順服主
  5. Staying close is to gratify His heart 親近主是滿足主的心

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