2018-08-05 The Glory of God’s Mercy
The Glory of God’s Mercy
- Psalm 136: “The Great Revelation of the Mercy of God”詩136 篇: 「對上帝的憐憫偉大的啟示」
- The Glorious Hope of Fully Grasping God’s Mercy完全捕捉到上帝憐憫的榮耀盼望
- Christ Has Made Us a Temple of God to Reveal His Glory (I Cor. 3:16; 6:19; II Cor. 6:16; Eph. 3:19)基督使我們成為上帝的殿來顯明祂的榮耀! (林前 3:16; 6:19; 林後 6:16; 弗 3:19)