09-13-2020 Genesis Day 3 (II) 創世紀第三天(2)
Genesis Day 3 (II) Grass, Herbs & Trees
創世紀第三天 (II) 青草,菜蔬,與果樹
1. ⼈的科學神話與⽣命起源偏⾒的欺騙
Man’s Scientific Myths & Biased Deceptions on the Origin of Life
2.永恆、全能、全知的上帝對⽣命起源的啟⽰: ⽣命是由奇跡般的、榮耀的植物⽣命開始!The Eternal, Omnipotent, Omniscient God’s Revelation on the Origin of Life
3. 設計入植物國度的永恆智慧(屬靈的功課)
Eternal Wisdom (Spiritual Lessons) Designed Into The Plant Kingdom
結語: 種⼦的設計顯⽰永恆的盼望
My Eternal Hope is revealed in the Divine Design of seeds.