God Calls Us Home 上帝在呼喚 1 講述浪⼦的故事The Story of the Prodigal Son 2 認識上帝的本像Reflecting on the Images of God 3 當親近神Be Close to Him!
Good Money or Bad Money不義的錢財 1. 不義管家的故事The Story of an Unrighteous Manager 2. 善⽤所有的財富Make Good Use of Our Assets 3. 當投資神的國度Invest in the Kingdom of God!
Rewards of Heaven 天國的獎賞 1. 才幹的比喻The Parable of the Talents 2. 善⽤我們的屬靈恩賜Make Good Use of Our Spiritual Gifts 3. 當忠⼼事奉主Serve faithfully in the Kingdom of God!
永恆之中 Live in Eternity 財主和拉撒路的故事The Story of a Rich Man and Lazarus 思今生盼來世Reflect on this life in light of eternity 當珍惜生命Live a fulfilled life!
Be Prepared for His Return 虔誠候主 1. ⼗個童女的故事The Story of the Ten Virgins 2. 預備基督再來Be Prepared for the Second Coming 3. 當驚醒等候Be Watchful and Alert!