A Renewed Life 更新的生命 1. 第一個命令1st command (v.25): 不可撒謊Don’t lie 2. 第二個命令2nd command (v. 26-27): 生氣不可犯罪Be angry but don’t sin 3. 第三個命令3rd command (v. 28) 不可偷竊Don’t steal 4. 第四個命令4th command…
Respect Your Husband 家有嬌妻 1. 順服意味著什麼 What does it mean to submit? 2. 為什麼妻子要順服 Why does a wife have to submit? 3. 妻子應該如何順服 How does a wife submit to her…
天下父母心Parents and Children 1. 兩個聖經的啟示Two Biblical Revelations 2. 對父母的勸勉Encouragement to Parents 3. 對未成年兒女的勸勉Encouragement to Underage Children 4. 對成年兒女的勸勉Encouragement to Adult Children
職場人際關係Relationship at Workplace 1. 剖析主僕關係Expound master-servant relationship 2. 基督成為橋樑Christ becomes the bridge 3. 應當彼此尊重Respect one another in Christ
Spiritual Warfare (I) The Invisible War 屬靈爭戰(I) 看不見的戰爭 1. 認識靈性世界Understand the spiritual world 2. 了解屬靈爭戰Be aware of spiritual warfare 3. 預備屬靈得勝Get ready to overcome