March 14, 2021

03-14-2021 God’s Fullness in Christ 上帝在基督裡的豐盛

Passage: Col 1:19 & 2:9,10; John 10:10
Service Type:

God's Fullness in Christ

1. 父神喜歡一切的豐盛在基督裡 (西一: 19, 二: 9)
God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Him
2. 我們在祂裡面也得了豐盛 (西二: 10, 約十: 10)
We have been given fullness in Christ
3. 活出豐盛復活的生命 - 使人歸向 上帝 (西三:1 - 4)
Live out the full resurrected life – to bring people to God

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