你要痊癒嗎? Do You want to be Healed?
陳振威醫生 Dr. Chun-Wai Chan (10-1-2017)
經文 Scriptures: 約翰福音 John 5:1-9
1 這事以後、到了猶太人的一個節期。耶穌就上耶路撒冷去。After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
- 節期:住棚節? Festival of Tents? Passover?
- 傳福音的機會 Opportunity for evangelism
- 耶穌主動服事人 Jesus took the initiative to serve 去有需要者當中 To the midst of people in need
2 在耶路撒冷、靠近羊門有一個池子、希伯來話叫作畢士大、旁邊有五個廊子。
Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda which has five roofed colonnades.
- 畢士大(憐憫之家):為殘障人士所蓋 Bethesda (House of Mercy): Built for the handicapped
3 裡面躺著瞎眼的、瘸腿的、血氣枯乾的、許多病人。
3 In these lay a multitude of invalids—blind, lame, and paralyzed.
4 for an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool, and stirred the water: whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had.
5 在那裡有一個人、病了三十八年。 One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.
- 久病纏身 先天殘疾? Chronic illness, congenital?
- 不得醫治的原因:Why are people not healed
不承認有病 Denial of illness
不願意被醫治 Unwilling to be healed
用同樣的方法 Using the same method
6 耶穌看見他躺著、知道他病了許久、就問他說、你要痊愈麼。When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?”
- 祂看見,而且知道 He sees, and He knows
- 祂知道我們身體和內心的病痛 He knows the illness of our body and soul
- ? 是讓病人: ? is to let the patient:
- 先承認有病 Admit to the illness
- 願意被醫治 Willing to be healed
- 不再用同樣的方法自救 Not using same method to self-heal
7 病人回答說、先生、水動的時候、沒有人把我放在池子裡.我正去的時候、就有別人比我先下去。 The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, and while I am going another steps down before me.”
- 患者的心境: Patient’s mental status:
- 孤單, 無助, 失望, 埋怨 Lonely, helpless, hopeless, complaining
- 被疾病蒙蔽,看不見耶穌 Blinded by illness, cannot see Jesus
- Think outside the box
- 神的應許God’s promise (Psalms詩篇121)
- 我要向山舉目。我的幫助從何而來。2. 我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來 。3. 他必不叫你的脚摇動。保護你的必不打盹 。4. 保護以色列的,也不打盹,也不睡覺 。
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
- 保護你的是耶和華。耶和華在你右邊蔭庇你。6. 白日太陽必不傷你,夜間月亮必不害你。
- 耶和華要保護你,免受一切的災害。他要保護你的性命。8. 你出你入耶和華要保護你,從今時直到永遠。
5 The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. 6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
8 The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.
- 耶穌知道人身體的需要 Jesus knows our physical needs
- 耶穌更關心人的靈魂 Jesus cares even more about our soul
- 爲甚麽除了身體,還需要靈魂的醫治? Why need healing of both body and soul
1.身體、靈魂的組合 Body/Soul combo
耶和華 神用地上的塵土造人、將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡、他就成了有靈的活人、名叫亞當。 (創 Genesis 2:7) then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
- 神造萬物、各按其時成為美好。又將永生安置在世人心裡。(傳 Ecclesiastes 3:11)
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart,
2.全人的醫治 Wholistic healing
- 神 (healer)
- 唯一的全人醫治者 The only wholistic healer
- 醫治:使身體完整
(如癱子身體和心靈被醫治) 小子,放心罷,你的罪赦了…起來,拿你的褥子回家去罷 Healing: Make the body complete (the invalid was healed in body and spirit). “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven… Rise, pick up your bed and go home.” (太 Matt 9:2,6)
- 醫生 (physician)
- 生理學者 Physiology scholar
- 治療(不是醫治):Treating, not healing:
- 保護細胞功能,讓身體有時間自我痊愈 (如抗生素) Protect cellular function, giving the body time to self-heal (antibiotics)
- 治標不治本 (如血壓藥,胰島素,支架,搭橋) Treating complications and not the cause (e.g. antihypertensives, insulin, stents, bypass)
3.醫治心靈和關係更重要 Healing of soul and relationships is more important
- 多數人的錯誤 Mistake many make
- 高估了今天的生命價值 Overestimate the value of present life
- 低估了將來與主同在的永恒價值 Underestimate the value of the eternal presence of God
4.從永恆的觀點看病痛 Viewing illness from an eternal perspective
- 自我反省:虧欠神旳地方 Introspection: any shortcomings?
- 那種醫治:身體,關係,心靈? What kind of healing: body, relationship, spirit
- 醫治目的:為己而活 vs 為主而活 Purpose of healing: living for self or Christ
- 你要痊癒麼?Do you want to be healed?
- 你是否久病纏身?疾病, 憂抑, 悲傷, 苦毒, 上癮, 壊習慣
Have you been chronically ill? Illness, depression, grief, bitterness, addiction, bad habits
- 耶穌看見,而且知道你的困難 Jesus sees, and knows your difficulty
- 先要承認你有病,不能自救 Admit your illness, and that you cannot save yourself
- 不要被困境蒙蔽,看不見耶穌 Do not be blinded by your circumstances that you can’t see Jesus
- 祂知道你的需要,更關心你的靈魂 He knows your need, and cares even more about your soul
- 需要用永恆的觀點看病痛 See illness from an eternal perspective