耶穌受難日崇拜 Good Friday Service

教會將於週五 3 月 29 日晚上 7 點 30 分在 Zoom 上舉行耶穌受難日敬拜。請準備好我們的心來記念主在十字架上的犧牲。 Our church will hold Good Friday service on Zoom at 7:30pm on Friday 3/29. Please prepare our hearts to remember the sacrifice of our Lord on the Cross. 請自行預備聖餐所用的餅和杯 Please prepare your own elements for holy communion 請點擊下面鏈接參加聚會 The…
慶祝中國新年 Chinese New Year Celebration
福音會 Gospel Meetings – 上帝與苦罪問題 God and the Problem of Evil
Christmas Candlelight Service 聖誕夜燭光聚會
Chinese Church Interest Form 華人教會興趣表格
Are you a student in need of a ride to church? Please call Anna Ho at (805)215-2087 or fill out the form. 如果你是大学生,需要接送来教会,请电话与 Anna Ho 联系 (805)215-2087,或者请填写下面連結中的电子表格,我们会与你联络。 https://forms.gle/evXzVYGS9mTtKpxw8