Our church will hold the annual picnic in Rotary Centennial Park in Santa Maria at 5:00pm on Sunday 7/23. Please invite family and friends to join this fun event.
教會將於 7 月 23 日週日下午 5:00 在聖瑪麗亞扶輪世紀公園舉行一年一度的野餐聯誼會。歡迎邀請家人和朋友來參加這個愉快的活動。
Our church will hold the annual picnic in Rotary Centennial Park in Santa Maria at 5:00pm on Sunday 7/23. Please invite family and friends to join this fun event.
教會將於 7 月 23 日週日下午 5:00 在聖瑪麗亞扶輪世紀公園舉行一年一度的野餐聯誼會。歡迎邀請家人和朋友來參加這個愉快的活動。
Our church will celebrate Easter on Sunday 4/9. Please invite family and friends to join us.
教會將在四月九日主日慶祝復活節,請大家邀請家人和朋友參加 。
2023 Good Friday Service will be on Friday, April 7 at 7:30 pm on ZOOM, please invite your family and friends to join us.