Annual Congregation Meeting 2013

On January 27th, 2013, our church will be hosting our Annual Congregation Meeting.  During the normal worship service, the Board and Pastor will present the accomplishments of the church this past year as well as plans for the coming year. Please make yourself available to attend this important annual meeting.…

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Weekend with Rev. Paul Lai, Ph.D.

On the weekend of November 24th and 25th, Rev. Paul Lai, will be with our church.  Please join us to listen to him speak at our Spiritual Revival Meeting.  There will be two events.  All are welcomed! Event 1 Date: November 24th, Saturday Time: Potluck Dinner Starting at 6PM Location: 5911…

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Weekend with Rev. Bellman Lin

On the weekend of October 27th and 28th, Elder Bellman Lin, 林三綱長老, will be with our church.  Please join us to listen to him speak at our Spiritual Revival Meeting.  There will be two events.  All are welcomed! Event 1: Date: October 27th, Saturday Time: Potluck Dinner Starting at 6PM Location: 5911…

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