04-13-2020 Newsletter-牧師家書

Dear Friends at 5C:

Praise the Lord for our gatherings during this Holy Week!  We had a wonderful service on Good Friday, it is the first time to conduct online communion (also with a record number of people attended) on Good Friday service. God continues to do wonderful things in midst of pandemic. At the beginning of this year, church leadership decided to move Good Friday service to Student Union.  So our congregation may recognize church’s emphasis on remembrance of the Cross. Though we expected no more than dozen people to show up just like last year, it is good to promote the awareness among church members. No one would predict such a turnout on last Friday, we had 46 people gathering through Zoom, the pandemic has brought church family together closely. Good Friday program is designed to guide participants reflecting and meditating on Christ’s death. Hopefully this also brings us closer to God.

What a joy to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at a time when panic and deaths surround us! This blessed hope is more vivid than ever to our eyes.  Sunday message helps the congregation to understand the great gift that God is going to give us – the resurrected body. I have attached a note with the biblical references for anyone who is interested for further study. We had 65 people worshiping together on Sunday, so glad to see Anna’s father – Steven Chau join us from the Bay Area.  On Sunday evening, Love Small Group in Santa Maria meet the very first time for Bible study.  Nothing is better to start a small group on Easter Sunday!  Thanks to Brother Mei and family for their sponsorship!

God is good as we saw the turning point of coronavirus outbreak during this holy weekend. It has been four weeks since we followed governor’s guidance “stay-at-home”. Now we finally see the light at the end of tunnel. Everyone may feel wearied by this extended isolation. Hang on there, my friends, we will see each other soon face to face, and I look forward to seeing each one of you in the church. I miss the days we can be physically together, I believe that this will soon become the reality. As the Bible teaches, there is a time for different seasons (Eccl. 3:1-8). This is the season that we have to be physically separated from one another. Praise the Lord, we can still enjoy each other’s companion through Zoom.

Ministry Update:

  1. Virtual prayer meetings at 7:30pm Monday and Thursday.
  2. Pastor Chen’s virtual office hours, 10:00am-12:00pm every Wednesday and Friday.
  3. Chinese Sunday school (Fengling Li) and English Sunday (Chris Choi)
  4. Santa Maria small group held their first group study last Sunday 4/12.
  5. Now we have four small groups ready to go, Love (Bro. Mei), Joy (Meiling), Kindness (Crystal) and Goodness (Annie).

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for Coronavirus outbreak in US and around the world.
  2. Pray for physical and spiritual well-being of our church members.
  3. Pray for church leadership handling the on-going ministry.
  4. Pray for God’s provision for church families affected by the slowing-down of business.
  5. Pray for God’s protection for people who have to work outside home.

Stay health and be strong in the Lord!  Look forward to seeing you virtually on Sunday.


為我們在這個周末的聚會而感謝主!週五我們完满地舉辦了一個耶穌受難日崇拜,這是第一次在耶穌受難日進行在線交流(參加的人數也創了紀錄)。在瘟疫流行之中,上帝繼續做著奇妙的工作。今年年初,教會領袖們決定將耶穌受難日崇拜轉移到教會週日崇拜的地方。因此,鼓勵教會成員參加教會耶穌受難節的崇拜。儘管預計會像去年那樣,參加的人不是很多,但是在教會成員中提高這方面的認知實在是件好事。沒有人能預料到,上週五會有這麼多的人參加,總共有 46 人通過 Zoom 相聚。這場瘟疫使教會成員更加緊密地團結在一起。這次耶穌受難日崇拜旨在引導參與者反思和默想基督的受難。希望這樣的操練使我們更加親近上帝。
在恐慌和死亡包圍著我們的時候,慶祝耶穌復活真是一種喜悅!這個蒙福的盼望,在目前比以往任何時候更加真切。星期天的講道信息幫助我們了解神要賜給我們一件偉大禮物- 復活的身體。對於那些有興趣進一步研究的人,請參見附件中的講道要點,並有經文參考。上週日敬拜共有65 個人,很高興見到何周敏儀姐妹的父親從灣區加入我們。週日晚上,聖塔瑪利亞的『仁愛』小組首次聚會,一起學習聖經。沒有什麼比在復活節開始一個小組更好的事了!感謝梅弟兄夫婦帶領這個小組!
上帝真是仁慈,在這個復活節的週末,我們終於迎來了新冠病毒爆發的轉折點。自從州長的居家令發佈以來,已經過去了四個星期。現在,我們終於看到隧道盡頭的曙光。每個人都可能對這種長期隔離感到厭倦。堅持住,朋友們!我們很快就可以面對面地見面了,我期待著在教會裡看到大家。我也非常想念在教會一起敬拜的日子,相信這很快將成為現實。正如聖經所教導的,萬物都有定時(傳 3:1-8)。此時此刻,正是我們必須要分開的時候。感謝主,我們仍然可以通過 Zoom 享受主內的夥伴。

1. 線上禱告會於週一和週四晚間7點半舉行。
2. 陳牧師的在線辦公時間為每週三和週五的 10:00 am-12:00pm。
3. 中文主日學將由李鳳玲帶領,英文主日學為蔡達文弟兄帶領。
4. 聖塔瑪利亞的『仁愛』小組4月12上週日首次聚會。
5. 現在我們有四個小組準備就緒:『仁愛』(梅玉良弟兄),『喜樂』(李美玲姐妹),『恩慈』(崔琳姐妹)和『良善』 (裴師母).

1. 為美國及世界各地的新冠肺炎的爆發
2. 為我們教會所有成員的身體及屬靈健康
3. 為教會領袖處理正在进行的事工过渡
4. 為因業務放緩所收影響的家庭祈禱上帝的供應
5. 為那些必須在外工作的人們祈禱上帝的保護


主僕, 陳金昌

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