死亡: 生活的鏡片 ~ 豐富的或是徒勞的 ~
A Study of Ecclesiastes 傳道書研讀
Pastor Dale Barrett (4-15-2018)
- “…man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment…” Hebrews 9:27
「按著定命,人人都有一死,死後且有審判。」 (來9:27)
- “…so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death…” Hebrews 2:14,15
些一生因怕死而為奴僕的人。」 (來2:14-15)
- “Jesus said…’I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die’”, John 11:25
耶穌對他說:「復活在我,生命也在我。信我的人雖然死了,也必復活。」 (約11:25)
- “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men”, I Corinthians 15:19.
「我們若靠基督,只在今生有指望,就算比眾人更可憐。」 (林前15:19)
Who wrote Ecclesiastes 誰寫了傳道書:
Uncertain, but many assume Solomon; see Ecclesiastes 2:1-16
不確定, 但許多人假設是所羅門; 看傳 2:1-16
What should we know about wisdom literature? 關於智慧文學我們應該知道些什麼?
Their emphasis on understanding and attaining wisdom for all areas of life, including our relationships with God and with one another.
它們的重點在明瞭並獲得各種人生智慧, 包括我們與上帝和彼此的關係.
What is the theme of this book 此書的主旨是什麼?
Wisdom and folly are contrasted and the futility and “vanity “ of life apart from knowing God and seeing life and death from His point of view is emphasized.
此書對照智慧和愚昧, 以及離開,不認識上帝的人生的徒勞與空虛;並強調從祂的觀點來看待生與死.
Message Content 信息內容 :
“Chasing after the wind…or…choosing to please God?”, Ecclesiastes 1 and 2
1. The haunting perspective of “meaninglessness” (“vanity”)
令人無法忘懷的「毫無意義」(虛空) 的觀點
*The all-encompassing “everything”, 1:2
包括一切的 – 「凡事都是虛空」1:2
*The all-consuming “there is nothing new under the sun”, 1:9
消耗一切的 –「日光之下並無新事」1:9
2. The repetitive paradox of life 人生一再重複的弔詭
*” What has been done will be done again…”, 1:9
*”…and even those who are yet to come will not be
remembered by those who follow”, 1:11.
「將來的世代,後來的人也不記念。 」1:11
3. The frustrating pondering of “wisdom” 思索「智慧」令人洩氣
*”What a heavy burden has been laid on men…” 1:12-14
*…I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom and also
of madness and folly…a chasing after the wind”, 1:17
「我又專心察明智慧、狂妄,和愚昧,乃知這也是捕風。」 1:17
4.The unfulfilling pursuit of pleasure 追逐享樂的不滿足
*What does pleasure accomplish? 2:2 享樂成就了什麼? 2:2
*”…nothing was gained under the sun”, 2:11 「在日光之下一無所獲。」2:11
5.The certain parallel of wisdom and folly 智慧和愚昧某些平行之處
*Wisdom is better than folly, 2:12-14 「智慧勝過愚昧」2:12-14
*”Like the fool, the wise man too must die”, 2:16 「智慧人死亡,與愚昧人無異。 」2:16
6.The unfortunate product of work 工作不幸的結果
*I have no control over the ongoing product of the work I do, 2:19-21
我無法控制所作之事的結果 2:19-21
*I have no consequence of my work that is not grievous for me, 2:22, 23
工作的每一結果都令我憂傷 2:22-23
7.The vital principle of enjoying “life under the sun” 享受「日光之下之人生」的重要原則
*Eating, drinking, and finding satisfaction in work “is from the hand of God”, 2:24
*God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness to the man who pleases Him, 2:26
取悅上帝的人,上帝就給他智慧、知識,和喜樂。 2:26
- The quality of life is potentially impacted by our view of death, or our willful blindness to its inevitability.
人生的品質潛在地受到我們對死亡的看法, 或我們定意不去看它的無法避免的影響.
- If our emphasis is on gain we will experience a relentless “chasing after the wind”…
- If we see life as a “gift” from God, it will give us the ability to enjoy what he has provided from “His hand.”