2018-01-07 Bilingual Sermon Notes

靈命的塑造Spiritual Formation

裴賀安慈師母 (Minister Annie Petzholt, 1-7-18)

  1. 靈命的定義  Definition of Spiritual Life
  1. 靈命就是屬神的生命,這生命自從一個人重生時就開始了。  Spiritual life is the life of God in a born-again believer.
  • I John 5:12-「人有了神的兒子就有生命,沒有神的兒子就沒有生命。」 He that hath the Son has life; and he that has not the Son of God has not life. 

上帝在我們身上工作的目標, 靈命成長的方向 :8:28-30

 God’s goal for working in our lives, direction for our spiritual growth : Rom. 8:28-30

  • 所以靈命自重生開始,且以效法神的兒子耶穌基督的生命為標竿,為標準。(不以人為標竿)

Spiritual life begins with the new birth in Christ, and this life’s goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ.

  • 是一個藉著與神的關係來建立的生命The growth of this life is very much dependent upon the relationship with God.
  1. 靈命是內在的生命,顯在外在的表現Spiritual life is both inward and outward
  • 1- Dan. 6:3 -「因這但以理有美好的靈性,所以顯然超乎其餘的總長和總督,王又想立他治理通國。」(內在的靈性影響外在的表現 – 有智慧、能力、謙恭) Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.
  • 2 – 1 Pet. 3:3/4 – 「這正是因看見你們有貞潔的品行和敬畏的心。你們不要以外面的辮頭髮,戴金飾,穿美衣為妝飾, Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 
  • 只要以裡面存著長久溫柔,安靜的心為妝飾;這在神面前是極寶貴的。」(內在的滿足放鬆外在的虛求) → 對自我的處理流露出榮光. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 
  1. 靈性就是你對人與環境的反應  Spiritual life is your reaction to people and your circumstances

–    靈命養成待人接物的習性 Your spiritual life shapes your habit of treating others and your


–    與人的關係,有成熟良性的應對 How is your inter-personal relationship?

  • – I Cor. 11:18-19 第一,我聽說,你們聚會的時候彼此分門別類,我也稍微的信這話。在你們中間不免有分門結黨的事,好叫那些有經驗的人(經過驗證的人) 顯明出來。

1Co 11:18  For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.  1Co 11:19  For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.


1) accepted, particularly of coins and money. 貨真價實

2) accepted, pleasing, acceptable 得蒙悅納、喜悅、可接納的 (羅12:2)

Part of Speech: adjective;  A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G1380

( Ref. Rom. 14:18,19; 16:10; II Tim. 2:15; II Cor. 10:17,18)

  1. 靈命健康與成長的重要性 Importance of Spiritual health and growth
  2. 靈命是生命,一定要成長 Spiritual Life has to grow
  • 不成長的信徒要做靈命全身檢查,看哪裏出了錯,並要對症下藥。
  1. 靈命的體質要健康 Spiritual life has to be healthy

 正常的靈命成長是什麼?What is normal healthy spiritual growth?

  1. 建造靈修禱告的生活,讓神的話改造個人的品行,藉禱告默想養成信靠交託的習慣。(個人的靈修) Establish devotional and prayer life. Let God’s word transform personal character; by prayer entrust and surrender your life to God.
  2. 自己個性的調合,與人相處的和睦。(全面認識自己,與人有和睦的關係) Know your

personality strength and weakness, grow toward maturity; get along with others peacefully and

harmoniously. (Know yourself wholistically, learn to treat others with love and respect.)

  1. 明白神給你的恩賜,在恩賜上服事他人,造就教會。(明白、實踐在基督裡使命的呼召)

Search and understand your God-given spiritual gift(s) and use those gifts to serve others and

build up the church. (Know and fulfill your calling in Christ.)

  1.  靈命成長是一個持續不斷的過程    Spiritual growth is an on-going process

–   Rom. 12:2-「不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的 善良、純全、


And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye

may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

成長停滯或退後,晚節不保的可怕與可悲:   Stagnant and backsliding – tragic end

挪亞 (酒醉咒詛)、掃羅王(自大瘋狂)、   大衛王(姦淫謀殺)、所羅門王(意亂情迷)、祭司以利(放棄管教兒子)、   亞撒王(驕傲剛硬)、烏西雅王(狂妄)、希西家王(不警醒)、現代與當代傳道人(姦淫、欺騙、帳目不清)等。(我們也免不了這些試探 – 忍耐到底 )

  • 1Co 3:13 各人的工程必然顯露,因為那日子要將他表明出來,有火發現;這火要試驗各人的工程怎樣。1Co 3:14  人在那根基上所建造的工程若存得住,他就要得賞賜。

Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. 1Co 3:14  If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. (讓我們好好建造)

 偷工減料, 粗製濫造的結果 倒塌 (7:24-27)Cutting corners – Collapse

III. 靈命的影響 Influence of your spiritual life

  1. 一個信徒至終成功與否,與他的靈命狀況絕對相關 Your eventual success or failure is related

to your spiritual life

  1. 1. 個人的抉擇 – IQ, / EQ, SQ, LQ
  2. 家族的影響 – 信仰生活、價值觀: 提摩太家族、慕安德烈家族、戴德生家族
  3. 社區與社會的影響 – 推而及之,        – 教會、公司、社團
  4. 從事領導與屬靈工作的人必須有美好的靈性People who lead and engage in spiritual work

must have good spiritual life

  1. 領導就是影響力 – 榜樣的豎立 Leadership is influence – lead by example

約瑟、摩西、約書亞、大衛、眾先知們、但以理、 以斯帖、尼希米、耶穌、保羅、彼得、


  1. 生命有感染力 – 屬靈的成長與變化來自神也來自人    Life is infectious – spiritual growth

and transformation derives from both God and people (both divine & human relationships affect

how we grow).

C.靈命好壞影響我們的今生與來生The quality of our spiritual life affects this life and the life to come

  1. 良善又忠心 –派你管理…進來享受你主人的快樂。 (太25:21-23)

Good and faithful – thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 

  1. 建造的工程存得住 – 就要得賞賜 (林前3:11-14)

If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

結語 Conclusion:

  1. 你曉得自己的靈命狀況嗎? Do you know your own spiritual condition?
  1. 你走在靈命健康的路上嗎? Are you walking on a spiritually healthy path?
  1. 你明白自己影響多少人嗎? Do you know how many people you are influencing?
  2. 不要小看自己靈命的重要性及其影響力 Do not underestimate the importance and influence of your spiritual life.

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