11-16-2020 Newsletter 牧師家書

Dear Friends at 5C:

Praise the Lord for the good news that we received this past week, now we may have two vaccines available by the end of this year. This is an amazing development, the first line of vaccines developed in a few months with such potent data, God is truly merciful to people suffering on earth. According to an optimistic estimate, with such vaccines at hands, we may bring the pandemic under the control in six months. However, just as a Chinese saying states, “Distant water won’t quench your immediate thirst”. This winter could still become very tough for Americans. We may see more restrictions in the coming weeks in SLO county as well as in California, please continue to observe all public health measures when you are out, especially during this holiday season, any in person gatherings with family and friends can become a potential hazard for a group outbreak.

Our church will hold an annual congregational meeting on Dec 13 Sunday. Please reserve your time to join us at 11:00am. We will celebrate God’s blessings in this troubled year, meanwhile we also look forward to God’s presence in 2021. Last week the church mailed out ballots to all church members for the purpose of annual budget approval. If you have no reservation about this budget, please mail ballots back as soon as possible. The church will address any questions or concerns during the ACM on Dec 13. The deadline to mail your ballot is Dec 16. If you haven’t received your ballot, please contact Pastor Chen.

Our church plans to have a testimony Sunday on Nov 22 to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Please pray for the four brothers and sisters who are willing to give their testimonies on Sunday- Kurt Lo, Jackie Durham, Michael Chen and Steven Mei. In addition, please pray for Pastor Dale’s wife- Beverley who broke her arm last week.

Ministry Update:

  1. Virtual prayer meetings at 7:30pm every Thursday
  2. Pastor Chen’s virtual office hours 10:00am-12:00pm every Friday
  3. Chinese Sunday school (Pastor Chen) and English Sunday school (Steve Luo)
  4. We will continue the sermon series, ‘Guidance of the Holy Spirit” this Sunday
  5. We have a few small groups on the move:
    1. Goodness (new sister’s group led by Bianca Lin and Hong Cao)
    2. Peace (a professional group led by Raymond Wu and Anderson Lin)
    3. Evergreen (senior caring group led by Fengling Li and Loan/Hong Duong
    4. Grace Garden (led by Catherine Li and Lucy Yao)
  6. Our church will celebrate Thanksgiving Day with a testimony Sunday on Nov 22.  
  7. Our church will hold ACM on Dec 13 Sunday, please reserve your time to join us at 11:00am        

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for the peaceful transition and reconciliation after this divisive election
  2. Pray for the Coronavirus outbreak in the US and around the world.
  3. Pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of our church members.
  4. Pray for new small groups formed recently in our church
  5. Pray for Pastor Dale’s wife- Beverley who suffers arm fracture recently.
  6. Pray for expecting mother- Crystal Cui
  7. Pray for Samuel Lee’s epidermal inclusion cyst on his back
  8. Pray for Lydia Anderson’s resurgent brain tumor.
  9. Pray for Crystal’s uncle for kidney tumor, Annie’s sister and Anderson’s brother for Parkinson’s disease, Ed Sherman’s son Lane for brain tumor.

Look forward to seeing you virtually on Sunday.

感謝主,這週我們終於看到了好消息,今年年底之前可能會有兩種疫苗問世。這是一項了不起的成就,在幾個月內就開發出如此有效的第一批疫苗,上帝對在地球上受苦的人們是何等仁慈。樂觀估計,若擁有這些疫苗,我們可能會在六個月內控制住疫情。但是,遠水解不了近渴,對於美國人來說,這個冬天可能仍然非常艱難。接下來的幾周,SLO 縣以及加州可能會頒布更多限制措施,請在外出時繼續遵守公共衛生措施,尤其是在這個假期,與家人和朋友的任何聚會都可能有集體爆發的潛在危害。

我們的教會將於 12 月 13 日星期日舉行年度會員大會。請您安排好時間於上午 11:00 出席。在這個動蕩的一年裡,我們仍然經歷很多神的祝福,同時,我們也期待著 2021 年神的同在。上週,教會已將選票郵寄給所有會員,以批准教會年度預算。如果您對此預算無異議,請盡快寄回選票。教會將在 12 月 13日的會員大會上闡述解答問題。選票遞交截止日期是 12 月 16 日,如果您還未收到選票,請與陳牧師聯繫。

教會計劃在 11 月 22 日以見證的方式慶祝感恩節。請為將在這主日做見證的四位弟兄姐妹祈禱,他們分別是:羅建國弟兄、姚鳳杰姐妹、陳朦弟兄和梅玉良弟兄。另外,請為戴爾牧師的妻子貝弗莉上週摔斷手臂祈禱。


  1. 線上禱告會於週四晚間 7 點半舉行。
  2. 陳牧師辦公時間:每週五上午 10 點-12 點。
  3. 中文主日學將由陳牧師帶領,英文主日學由羅智亮弟兄带領。
  4. 本主日將繼續講道系列“聖靈的引導”
  5. 我們有幾個小組正在積極推進中
    1) 『良善』(由張西齡和曹紅姐妹所帶領新的姐妹小組)
    2) 『和平』(由胡其健和林恩深弟兄帶領的專業小組)
    3) 『常青』(李鳳玲姐妹和楊鴻/謝嬌鸞夫婦負責的年長關懷小組)
    4) 『恩典花園』(由李嘉玲和姚宏姐妹帶領)
  6. 教會計劃 11/22 將以見證的方式慶祝感恩節
  7. 教會年度會員大會將於 12/13 舉行,請大家安排好時間 11 點出席


  1. 為此次美國分裂選舉後的和平过渡及和解
  2. 為美國及世界各地的新冠肺炎的爆發
  3. 為我們教會所有成員的身體及屬靈健康
  4. 為教會新組建的各個小組
  5. 為戴爾牧師的妻子貝弗莉祈禱,她上週摔斷了手臂
  6. 為待產的崔琳姐妹祈禱
  7. 為李碩俊后背的表皮囊肿祈禱
  8. 為馮慶芳姐妹復發性腦瘤祈禱
  9. 為崔琳二姑父祈禱;為裴師母姐姐和林恩深弟兄的哥哥祈禱,他們正在遭受帕金森的困擾;為 Ed Sherman 的兒子 Lane 祈禱,他正在接受腦瘤治療

主僕 陳金昌

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