08-03-2020 Newsletter 牧師家書

Dear Friends at 5C:

As the pandemic continues to drag on, we finally have some good news in recent days. Several vaccines enter Phase III of clinical study, which means the beginning of a large scale of human trials this month. It is hopeful that we may have some sort of vaccine available as early as January of 2021. As more companies enter this race and our government invests heavily in finding the cure, it is reasonable to believe that we may have some highly effective vaccines later next year. Some experts predict that humans may have to live with this virus for decades, it seems that we may soon find a way to cope with this reality and enjoy our freedom at the same time.

On Sunday we begin a new sermon series, “The Stories that Jesus Told”. It is quite a challenge to retell Jesus’ story since any preacher may find his inadequacy to match our master’s skill. Nevertheless, the truth revealed through these stories is simple enough for anyone to grasp. The real challenge lies with our heart, how to respond to Jesus’ invitation to love God and our neighbors. May the Lord bless our congregation with these wonderful stories!

We are glad to see Roger and Gigi Kidd join our LINE group, they are unable to attend the online worship in the last few months. Please pray for Gigi who will undergo shoulder surgery on Aug 11. God is good, He is always listening to our prayers. Many have prayed for Anderson’s biopsy recently, we rejoice that Anderson received a cancer-free report later last month. Please find your time to pray for our church and one another. Keep safe and stay well.

Ministry Update:

  1. Virtual prayer meetings at 7:30 pm Monday and Thursday.
  2. Pastor Chen’s virtual office hours 10:00 am-12:00 pm every Friday.
  3. Chinese Sunday school (Pastor Chen) and English Sunday school (Chris Choi).
  4. Small-Group “Joy” will meet through Zoom at 7:30 pm on Friday 8/14.
  5. Deacons board monthly meeting is scheduled on Sunday, Aug 9.
  6. The Deacons board is reviewing the Good Samaritan Committee guideline.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for the Coronavirus outbreak in the US and around the world.
  2. Pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of our church members.
  3. Pray for God’s protection for people who have to work outside the home.
  4. Pray for Gigi Kidd for her shoulder surgery on Aug 11.
  5. Pray for Annie’s sister who suffers Parkinson’s disease.
  6. Pray for Ed Sherman’s son Lane who undergoes treatment for brain cancer.
  7. Pray for Crystal Cui’s uncle in South Korea who will have surgery on Aug 7 because of kidney cancer.
  8. Pray for Samuel Lee (Crystal’s husband) who develops an epidermal inclusion cyst and may need surgery to remove it.

Look forward to seeing you virtually on Sunday.

隨著瘟疫的繼續蔓延,最近幾天終於有了一些好消息。幾種疫苗進入三期臨床试验阶段,這意味著本月将開始大規模的人體試驗。希望最快能在明年 1月有疫苗問世。隨著越來越多的公司加入這場競賽,並且政府大力投資尋找治療方法,我們有理由相信,明年後半年會有一些高效疫苗問世。一些專家預測,新冠病毒可能會與人類伴隨數十年,看來我們可能很快就會找到一種應對這種現實,且能夠享受自由生活的方法。


我們很高興 Roger 和 Gigi Kidd 也加入了教會的 LINE 群組,他們前幾個月無法參加在線崇拜。請為 Gigi 祈禱,她將於 8 月 11 日接受肩部手術的。上帝是仁慈的,因為祂垂聽我們的禱告。最近許多人為林恩深弟兄的活檢祈禱,我們為他上個月收到的良性结果感到高興。請抽出時間為教會和弟兄姐妹禱告。願各位在疫情期間多多保重。


  1. 線上禱告會於週一和週四晚間 7 點半舉行。
  2. 陳牧師辦公時間:每週五上午 10 點-12 點。
  3. 中文主日學將由陳牧師帶領,英文主日學由蔡達文弟兄带領。
  4. 『喜樂』小組將於 8 月 14 日晚間 7 點半通過 Zoom 聚會
  5. 下週日 8 月 9 日將有執事會議
  6. 執事會正在審查好撒瑪利亞人委員會的草案。


  1. 為美國及世界各地的新冠肺炎的爆發
  2. 為我們教會所有成員的身體及屬靈健
  3. 為那些必須在外工作的人們祈禱上帝的保護
  4. 為將於 8 月 11 日接受肩部手術的 Gigi Kidd
  5. 為裴師母的姐姐正在遭受帕金森困擾
  6. 為 Ed Sherman 的兒子 Lane 祈禱,他正在接受腦瘤治療
  7. 為崔琳的二姑父祈祷,他將於韓國時間 8 月 7 號接受腎癌手術
  8. 為崔琳的丈夫李碩俊祈禱,他後背長了一个小球,手術时间待定

主僕 陳金昌

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