05-10-2020 Bilingual Notes

God-Fearing Woman

引言:箴言 31:30  艷麗是虛假的,美容是虛浮的;惟敬畏耶和華的婦女必得稱讚。
Pro 31:30  Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 
• 聖經記載許多被稱許的婦女她們是我們效法的榜樣

敬畏上帝的婦女 God-fearing woman
1. 重視家庭生活Value The family life; 2. 信靠上帝Trusting the lord; 3. 使用上帝所給恩賜能力服事他人Using god giving gift to serving others

敬畏上帝的婦女:一. 重視家庭生活Value The family life
例1. 撒拉 Sarah
1Peter 3:1 彼前 3:1  你們作妻子的要順服自己的丈夫;這樣,若有不信從道理的丈夫,他們雖然不聽道,也可以因妻子的品行被感化過來; 3:2  這正是因看見你們有貞潔的品行和敬畏的心。 3:3  你們不要以外面的辮頭髮,戴金飾,穿美衣為妝飾,3:4  只要以裡面存著長久溫柔,安靜的心為妝飾;這在神面前是極寶貴的。 3:5  因為古時仰賴神的聖潔婦人正是以此為妝飾,順服自己的丈夫, 3:6  就如撒拉聽從亞伯拉罕,稱他為主。你們若行善,不因恐嚇而害怕,便是撒拉的女兒了。 

1. 尊重順服丈夫 Respect and Obey Husband
How Sarah Obey Abraham? (Genesis)
才德的婦人 -Pro箴言 31:11  他丈夫心裡倚靠他,必不缺少利益Her husband has full confidence in her and lack nothing of value; 31:12  他一生使丈夫有益無損 She brings him good not harm, all the days of her life。妻子是丈夫的伴侶和幫助 Wife is husband’s helper and companion (Gen創2:18)
例2 – 收生婆 Midwife
出 1:15  有希伯來的兩個收生婆,一名施弗拉,一名普阿;埃及王對他們說 1:16  「你們為希伯來婦人收生,看他們臨盆的時候,若是男孩,就把他殺了;若是女孩,就留他存活。」1:17  但是收生婆敬畏神,不照埃及王的吩咐行,竟存留男孩的性命。1:18  埃及王召了收生婆來,說:「你們為什麼做這事,存留男孩的性命呢?」 出1:19  收生婆對法老說:「因為希伯來婦人與埃及婦人不同;希伯來婦人本是健壯的(原文作活潑的),收生婆還沒有到,他們已經生產了。」 1:20  神厚待收生婆。以色列人多起來,極其強盛。1:21  收生婆因為敬畏神,神便叫他們成立家室。 

Exo 1:15-21: 15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” 17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” 19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” 20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. 21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.
Family is the focus of God-fearing women, also the main place God bless

2. 照顧家人的需要 Take care of family needs
才德的婦人- 箴言 31:21  他不因下雪為家裡的人擔心,因為全家都穿著朱紅衣服。31:27  他觀察家務,並不吃閒飯。31:28  他的兒女起來稱他有福;他的丈夫也稱讚他
Pro. 31:21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; or all of them are clothed in scarlet. 27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her,
 例3 – 保羅的教誨 Paul’s Teaching
提多書2:4  好指教少年婦人,愛丈夫,愛兒女,2:5  謹守,貞潔,料理家務,待人有恩,順服自己的丈夫,免得神的道理被毀謗。 
Tit 2:4 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
 3. 妥善照顧自己 Take care of herself
才德的婦人 – 箴言 31:22  她為自己製作繡花毯子;她的衣服是細麻和紫色布做的。 Pro.31:22She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
提前 2:9  又願女人廉恥、自守,以正派衣裳為妝飾,不以編髮、黃金、珍珠,和貴價的衣裳為妝飾; 2:10  只要有善行,這才與自稱是敬神的女人相宜。重視家庭生活 – 妥善照顧丈夫,兒女,和自己 
Tit 2:I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

敬畏上帝的婦女:二. 信靠上帝 Trusting the lord
1. 有信靠的心 Trusting heart;2. 有願意聽的耳朵 Listening ear;3. 有願意祈禱的靈 Praying Spirit

1. 有信靠的心 Trusting heart
例:約基別 – 摩西交給法老女兒撫養 Jochebed- gives Moses to Pharaoh’s daughter
例:喇合 – 相信探子以致全家得救 Rahab- Believing the Spy
例:哈拿- 撒母耳交給以利撫養 Hannah- Giving Samuel to Eli
例:路得 – 順從婆婆拿俄米 Ruth- obeying her Mother-in-law Naomi
2)有願意聽的耳朵 Listening ear
例:以斯帖- 聽從叔叔末底改的話 Esther- listening to her uncle Mordecai
例:耶穌母親馬利亞 – 聽從天使的話 Jesus’s Mother- Listening to Angel
例:馬大的妹妹馬利亞 – 聽從耶穌的話 Martha’s sister Maria- Listening to God’s words
例:哈拿 –在神面前傾心吐意 Hannah- Willing to open her heart before God
例:以斯帖-有破釜沉舟的決心 Esther-has the determination to fight to the end
例:女先知亞拿 –以禱告為執事 Anna the Prophetess – pray to the Lord
例:耶穌母親馬利亞與其他婦女 Jesus’s Mother and other women pray

敬畏上帝的婦女: 三. 使用上帝所給恩賜、能力服事他人 Using God-given gift to serve others
1. 教導他人 Teach others
例:女士師先知底波拉 Deborah the Prophetess
例:百基拉 Prisca
例:腓利的四個女兒 Phillip’s 4 daughters
例:提摩太外祖母與母親 Timothy’s grandmother and mother
才德的婦人 – 31:25  能力和威儀是他的衣服;他想到日後的景況就喜笑。 31:26  他開口就發智慧;他舌上有仁慈的法則。 Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. 26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
2. 帶領他人 Lead others
例:米利暗 Miriam
例:開創腓立比教會的呂底亞 the founder of Philippi-Lydia
例:女執事非比 Female deacon- Phoebe
例:保羅很多的女同工 Paul has many female co-workers
箴言 31:15  未到黎明他就起來,把食物分給家中的人,將當做的工分派婢女。She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. 
3. 樂善好施 Willing to do good and charitable
例:馬大 Martha
例:服事耶穌與門徒的眾多婦女 so many women provide Jesus and his disciples
例:多加 Doka
才德的婦人- 箴言 31:20  他張手賙濟困苦人,伸手幫補窮乏人。
Pro 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

結語:成為敬畏上帝的婦女:箴言 31:30  艷麗是虛假的,美容是虛浮的;惟敬畏耶和華的婦女必得稱讚。
Pro 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

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