04-27-2020 Newsletter-牧師家書

Dear Friends at 5C:

After one and half month quarantine, people are eager to resume their daily routine. Beaches in southern California were packed over the weekend. However, we see the resilience of Coronavirus as the number of cases is going down very slowly. It is the time that we have to exercise Christian virtue – patience, waiting for the containment of this virus and waiting for lifting up restrictions ordered by the governor. There will be many good days for us to enjoy the blessings living in California, but now we have to restrain ourselves from relaxing social distancing too soon. Our members demonstrate remarkable tolerance during this time of change. Yes, things have been difficult for many of us, but we hold a greater hope in our God. It will be getting much better down the road, and we look forward to seeing each other again in the church very soon.

On Sunday we started a new sermon series on the Book of Ruth. Naomi’s misfortune has been a subject of discussion among biblical scholars, and it also echoes our current situation.  As social media offer contradicting theories about this pandemic, political leaders fail to lead this nation in a godly way. Christians should exercise spiritual discernment over controversies and take a firm stand in the Lord. When facing a tragedy, we are going to play the blaming game. Rather we mediate and reflect what God shows us through this pandemic.  With a thankful heart, we become confident in facing the uncertainty in the future.  The story of Ruth begins with a tragedy and concludes with a happy ending. I hope that you will enjoy this little book as well as this eight-week sermon series as we walk together through this book.

Ministry Update:

  1. Virtual prayer meetings at 7:30pm Monday and Thursday.
  2. Pastor Chen’s virtual office hours, 10:00am-12:00pm every Wednesday and Friday.
  3. Chinese Sunday school (Hong Cao) and English Sunday (Ana Ho)
  4. Small group “Love” will meet on the 1st and the 3rd Sunday night though Zoom.
  5. Board of deacons is working on a draft to establish Good Samaritan Committee.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for Coronavirus outbreak in US and around the world.
  2. Pray for physical and spiritual well-being of our church members.
  3. Pray for God’s protection for people who have to work outside home, especially for those who are working in medical field, Anna Ho, Fengling Li, Susan Quintel, Xiao-Hong Cao and Yi-ren Wang.
  4. Pray for God’s comfort for Bianca and her family as she lost a brother-in-law (pancreatic cancer) and a sister (ALS) last week.
  5. Pray for Ann Ly who suffered a heart attack recently.
  6. Pray for Hong and Loan’s grandson who has a skin rush on his face.
  7. Pray for Ed Sherman’s son Lane who undergoes treatment for brain cancer.

Look forward to seeing you virtually on Sunday.






1. 線上禱告會於週一和週四晚間7點半舉行。
2. 陳牧師的線上辦公時間為每週三和週五的上午10:00-12:00。
3. 中文主日學將由曹紅姐妹帶領,英文主日學由何周敏儀姐妹带領。
5. 執事會正在起草成立好撒瑪利亞人委員會的草案。


1. 為美國及世界各地的新冠肺炎的爆發
2. 為我們教會所有成員的身體及屬靈健康
3. 為那些必須在外工作的人們祈禱上帝的保護,尤其是在醫護領域工作的姐妹們:何周敏儀、李鳳玲、馮石敏、曹曉紅和王奕人。
4. 張西齡姐妹的姐夫(胰腺癌)和姐姐(漸凍症)於上週 剛剛過世,求主安慰家人
5. 為Ed Sherman的兒子Lane祈禱,他正在接受腦瘤治療


主僕 陳金昌

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