Dear Friends at 5C:
As we move into the fifth week under the mandate of “Stay-at-Home”, our members are well adapted into a new reality. People consistently attend weekly prayer meetings, small group meetings as well as Sunday school and worship. Just as Sunday message reminds us, our circumstance has changed, but God’s love to His people never changes. I would like to add to that, our congregation’s love for the Lord and His church hasn’t changed neither. We see brothers and sisters continue supporting church ministry, looking after one another, and encouraging one another during this pandemic. The origin sermon series “One Another” was interrupted because of Coronavirus outbreak. However, our congregation truly live out the messages I intended to preach during the last few weeks. It is a much better message to please our God. After a short detour for a unexpected sermon series on Coronavirus, we will return to regular preaching schedule. From the next Sunday, we are going to study the Book of Ruth. It is a beautiful story and perfect for the time of troubles like this.
There is no immediate relief for the current crisis, the optimistic view expects nation’s recovery from the second half of this year. The virus may not disappear like SARS in 2002, but the difficult time is always short-lived, especially when comparing this with those good years we had in the past. The world may become better or worse, nevertheless, our genuine hope lies with God’s promises in Jesus Christ. As troubles in our times may mount beyond human control, God’s grace is far exceeding our problems. This is the perfect time to draw close to God. Brothers and sisters, enjoy your quiet time with the Lord and He will deliver peace and joy into your heart.
Ministry Update:
- Virtual prayer meetings at 7:30pm Monday and Thursday.
- Pastor Chen’s virtual office hours, 10:00am-12:00pm every Wednesday and Friday.
- Chinese Sunday school (Meiling Lacson) and English Sunday (Bianca Lin)
- Small group meetings this week: Joy (Friday night) and Love (Sunday night).
- Board of deacons is working on a draft to establish Good Samaritan Committee.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for Coronavirus outbreak in US and around the world.
- Pray for physical and spiritual well-being of our church members.
- Pray for God’s protection for people who have to work outside home, especially for those who are working in medical field, Anna Ho, Fengling Li, Susan Quintel, Xiao-Hong Cao and Yi-ren Wang.
- Pray for Bianca’s brother-in-law who has terminal cancer.
- Pray for Hong and Loan’s grandson how has a skin rush on his face.
- Pray for Ed Sherman’s son Lane who undergoes treatment for brain cancer.
Look forward to seeing you virtually on Sunday.
當前的危機可能無法立即緩解,樂觀的估計認為經濟將從今年下半年開始恢復。該病毒或許不會像 2003 年的非典肺炎那樣消失,但是困難的時期總是短暫的,尤其是與以前蒙福的年日相比。世界可能會變得更好或者更壞,但是,我們真正的盼望在於神在耶穌基督中的應許。由於當今的災難可能已超出人類的可控範圍,但是上帝的恩典遠超出了我們遇到的困難。弟兄姐妹們,這是我們靠近上帝的最佳時機。願您享受與主同在的安靜時光,祂必將和平與歡樂帶入您的心中。
1. 線上禱告會與週一和週四晚間 7 點半舉行。
2. 陳牧師的線上辦公時間為每週三和週五的上午 10:00-12:00。
3. 中文主日學將由李美玲姐妹帶領,英文主日學由張西齡姐妹带領。
4. 『喜樂』小組本週五晚間聚會,『仁愛』小組周日晚間聚會。
5. 執事會正在起草成立好撒瑪利亞人委員會的草案。
1. 為美國及世界各地的新冠肺炎的爆發
2. 為我們教會所有成員的身體及屬靈健康
3. 為那些必須在外工作的人們祈禱上帝的保護,尤其是在醫護領域工作的姐妹們:何周敏儀、李鳳玲、馮石敏、曹曉紅和王奕人。
4. 為張西齡姐妹患有晚期癌症的姐夫祈禱
5. 為謝嬌鸞姐妹和楊鴻兄弟的外孫臉上的皮疹祈禱
6. 為Ed Sherman的兒子Lane祈禱,他正在接受腦瘤治療