04-12-2020 Bilingual Notes雙語內容

Understanding the Resurrection of Believers


The resurrection is a demonstration of God’s supernatural power. On the day of Christ’s return, all believers will have the body like Christ’s (1 John 3: 2; Philippians 3:21). So, what are the characteristics of such a body? According to the revelation of the Bible, it is generally concluded that the resurrected body has seven characteristics.

第一﹐復活的身體是實實在在的身體。耶穌的門徒曾經觸摸過耶穌復活後的身體(約20:27 ﹔路24:39)。雖然身體不同﹐門徒仍可認出耶穌。因此﹐復活的身體不是虛幻的﹐乃是確實的﹐可見的﹐觸摸的到﹐而且可以分辨的

First, the resurrected body is a real body. Jesus’ disciples once touched Jesus’ body after the resurrection (John 20:27; Lk. 24:39). Although the body was different, the disciples could still recognize Jesus. Therefore, the resurrected body is not illusory, but real, visible, touchable, and discernible.


Second, the resurrected body has new capabilities. The new body has many similarities with the current body, for example, it is still possible to take food (Luke 24: 30-31; 41-42). But the new body also has new capabilities, for example, Jesus can pass through the wall or disappear instantly (John 20:26).


Third, the resurrected body is no longer weak and vulnerable. The current body is perishable and very fragile. Everyone gets sick and their bodies are weakened by old age. The future body is strong and will not perish (1 Corinthians 15: 42-43).

第四﹐復活的身體類似天使的身體﹐不會死亡﹐也不會敗壞。耶穌說﹐將來的人既不娶﹐也不嫁(太22:30)﹐而且不會死亡(路20:36)。啟示錄記載﹐生命河的水和生命樹的葉子都有醫治的功能(啟22:1-2) 。

Fourth, the resurrected body resembles the body of an angel and will not die or be corrupted. Jesus said that in the future people will neither marry nor given in marriage (Matthew 22:30) and will not die (Luke 20:36). The Book of Revelation records that the water of the River of Life and the leaves of the Tree of Life have healing power (Revelation 22: 1-2).

第五﹐復活的身體由不同材料組成。亞當的身體由塵土造成﹐來自於地(創2:7)﹐ 而基督復活的身體乃是有天上的材料造成的(林前15:48)。因此﹐材料不同決定了身體本性也截然不同。

Fifth, the resurrected body is composed of different material. Adam’s body was made of dust and came from the earth (Gen. 2: 7), and the resurrected body of Christ was made of heavenly material (1 Corinthians 15:48). Therefore, different materials determine the different nature of the bodies.

第六﹐復活的身體各具不同特色。正如人類現在的身體﹐彼此相似﹐卻又各不相同一樣。未來的身體也是如此﹐他們具備一些共同的特性(林前6:14)﹐ 但是每個人的身體也依然可以區別開來的(林前15:41-42)。

Sixth, the resurrected body has different characteristics. Human bodies are similar to each other, they are also different from each other. The same is true of future bodies. They share some common characteristics (1 Corinthians 6:14), but everyone’s body can still be distinguishable (1 Corinthians 15: 41-42).


Seventh, the resurrected body is a glorified body. This glory comes from the glory of God. Moses experienced such glory from God that he had to cover his face with a veil in order to meet the Israelites (Ex 34:35). The disciples also witnessed the same glory when Jesus changed his image on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-2). In the future believers will see face to face with God, and naturally the resurrected body will have the glory of God.

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