2017-12-10 Sermon Notes


Conclusion:  Timely Tips for Wise Investing 結語: 智慧的投資的合時訣竅

Pastor Dale Barrett (12-10-17)


SCRIPTURE經文: James 5 雅各書五章



Final chapter in our study of James’ counsel 2000 years ago still applicable for us today. Our last lesson ended with 4:13-17 and James’ question, “Don’t you know that your life is short?”  (paraphrase) His divinely-inspired direction is that we should seek God’s will in our life daily decisions and that the failure to not do that is sin. What are we to do with the resources we have as we live in “perilous” times?
兩千年前雅各書最後一章的忠告, 今天對我們仍然適用.上一次的講題以雅各書4:13-17和雅各的問話:「你知道生命是短暫的嗎?」結束. 雅各從神來的指示是:我們應該在每天生活的決定中,尋求上帝的旨意.如果不那麼做就是罪. 既然我們生活在「危險的」時代,那麼我們該如何使用所擁有的資源呢?





  1. A RETURN ON SELFISH PURSUITS, verses 1-6/ 自私追求的回報, 1-6
  • Misery follows selfish pursuit—a cause of great distress and sorrow, verse 1

痛苦隨著自私的追求 – 它是具大壓力和憂傷的原因. 1節

  • Material possessions are here today and gone tomorrow and bring no lasting satisfaction, verses 1b-3

物質的產業今天存在明天消失, 帶不來長久的滿足. 1b-3節

  • Managing your resources by hoarding them and withholding them from others is something God takes note of, verse 4

囤積自己的資源且不與人分享, 是上帝注意到的事情. 4節

  • Making a life of self indulgence at the expense of others will result in God’s judgment, verses 5 and 6. (see James 4:12)

利用他人來過自我享樂的生活, 遭致上帝的審判. 5,6節 (看雅4:12)


  1. A RETURN ON STEADFAST PATIENCE, verses 7-12/  堅定的忍耐的回報, 7-12
  • The Lord is coming again; in fact, His coming “is near”, verses 7 and 8.

主要再來; 事實上, 祂的再來「近了」. 7,8節

  • As the farmer waits for the harvest so we to must stand firm as we await Christ’s return, verse 8. We must not grumble against each other, verse 9.

正如農夫等候收成, 我們也必須站穩,等候基督的再來. 8節

我們不可彼此埋怨. 9節

  • Job’s persecution is a picture of God’s blessing on those who persevere. “The Lord is full of compassion and mercy”, verses 10,11.

約伯遭受的逼迫, 是上帝祝福那些忍耐的人的圖畫.

「主是滿心憐憫,大有慈悲」. 10,11節

  • Keep your word—as believers, honesty should be a way of life—”above all” else.

信守承諾 – 誠實應該是信徒的生活方式 – 「在一切之上」.


lll.  A RETURN ON SOULFUL PRAYER, verses 13-20/  發自心靈的禱告的回報, 13-20

  • Acknowledge that there are needs within the body of Christ and it is a place for them to be addressed. Verses 1 and 2a

承認在基督身體之內有需要, 且教會要處理這些需要. 1,2a節

  • The “elders of the church” are instructed to “anoint …with oil” and pray over the brother who comes for help, verse 14,

「教會的長老們」要「用油…膏抹」, 並為需要幫助的弟兄禱告, 14節

  • The “prayer offered in faith” brings physical and spiritual healing, verse 15.

「出於信心的祈禱」帶來身體與靈性的醫治, 15節

  • Confessing our needs –both spiritual and physical—and praying for each other is a function of the body of Christ, God honors the “powerful and effective prayer of a righteous man”, verses 16

說出我們的需要 – 靈性的與身體的 – 並彼此代求, 是基督身體的一個功用.上帝尊


  • Elijah is an example to us in his persevering prayer for rain; God honors our waiting on Him verses 17 and 18.

以利亞忍耐祈雨是我們的榜樣; 上帝尊重我們等候祂. 17,18節

  • We can be prayerfully involved in steering people back towards the truth, and rejoice in his salvation.

我們可以用禱告來參與將人引導歸向真理, 並為他的救恩歡喜.



  • Investing in selfish pursuits ultimately produces painful results.

投資在自私的追求上, 最終會產生痛苦的結果.

  • Investing in steadfast patience leads to the promised benefits of perseverance.

投資在堅定的忍耐上, 會帶來忍耐所承諾的益處.

  • Investment in soulful prayer in the body of Christ is directed by God’s Word and yields divine healing and help.

在基督身體內,投資在發自心靈的祈禱上, 是上帝話語的指示, 並帶出從神來的醫治



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