2018-10-21 Bilingual Notes

面對上帝Meeting God
裴賀安慈師母 Mrs. Annie Petzholt(10-21-18)

經文 Scriptures: 約書亞記5:13-15, Joshua 5:13-15


  • 约书亚是谁 Who Is Joshua

信息内容 Message Content:

一. 上帝的同在/引导-現身在關鍵時刻 God appears in critical times (Josh. 5:13)

  1. 這是禱告,親近主, 相信主的結果, As a result of prayer, drawing close to God in trust
  2. 這是出於上帝自己的應許 – 「與我們同在」, As a result of God’s own promise
  3. 面對上帝的經历会成為我們一生的激勵。Meeting God’s experience will inspire our whole life
  • 上帝没有必要娱乐我们,他的显现对我们一生有清楚的目的。God is not obligated to entertain us; His appearance has a definite purpose for our lives

例 Example; 摩西,约书亚,撒母耳,保罗,吴勇长老,刘富理牧师 Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Paul, Elder Wu Yong, Rev. Felix Liu


二. 上帝不以人的觀點看事情 God Doesn’t See as Man Sees (Josh. 5:14; Isa. 55:8-9))

  1. 人天生是根据自己的主观去思想的, 在面對上帝時要跳出来自世界自我的框架.

Man is subjective by nature, we need to get out of our own box when meeting God.

  1. 上帝有祂自己長遠的計畫和作為,

God has His own long-term plan and goal.

  1. 不要想讓上帝站在我们這邊,而是我們要站在上帝那邊,

Think not for God to be on our side but we on His side.

  1. 三个军队…上帝启示的重要…(例:撒下II Sam. 5:23,24)Three armies…importance of revelation from above
  • 给我们属灵的看见 It gives us spiritual insight
  • 给我们信心 It gives us faith
  • 给我们前进的勇气 It gives us the courage to move forward
  • 撒Zec 4:6  他對我說:「…萬軍之耶和華說:不是倚靠勢力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的靈方能成事。It’s not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord

以色列历史 Israel’s brief history

以色列在埃及当奴隶 As slaves in Egypt- 1800-1400 B.C./大卫建立以色列王国 King David built up the kingdom- 1000B.C./北以色列国被亚述灭亡 northern Israel conquered by Assyria- 722 B.C./南犹大国被巴比伦灭亡south Judah conquered by Babylonia- 586 B.C./以色列复国 Israel restored as a nation – May 14, 1948

但历代信心伟人所盼望的是 But the heroes of faith looked forward to:

  • Heb 11:13  這些人都是存著信心死的,並沒有得著所應許的;卻從遠處望見,且歡喜迎接,又承認自己在世上是客旅,是寄居的。

Heb 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

  • Heb 11:16  他們卻羨慕一個更美的家鄉,就是在天上的。所以神被稱為他們的神,並不以為恥,因為他已經給他們預備了一座城。

Heb 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

  • 我們要從眼前的預備將來的;We need to prepare for the future from the present
  • 從短暫的進入長遠的;To move from what’s temporary into what’s permanent
  • 從地上的進入天上的。To enter the heavenly from the earthly

( I John 2:17; Matt. 5:15, 24:35; Mk. 13:31; Lk. 16:17, 21:33; II Pet. 3:10; Rev. 21:1)


三. 与上帝相遇提升敬拜的層次 Meeting God Raises Our Level of Worship (Josh. 5:15)

  • 與對摩西的吩咐一致(出3:4-5) The same command as given to Moses
  • 圣的 (超越,与世俗有别,人在上帝面前立刻感觉渺小,被呼召是荣誉)

Holy – transcendental, separated from the earthly, secular.  People feel small in God’s presence, to be called by God is an honor,

  • 在谋划,面對挑戰時先敬拜上帝, 把他擺在眼前 Set God before us in worship when planning for the future or fighting against the enemy.

約 4:23  時候將到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他。(John 4:23)

– 脫鞋象徵與世界分開, 在敬拜時进入灵性的领域 Taking off the shoes symbolizes separation with the world.  We enter into a spiritual realm when worshipping the true God.

  • 即使敬拜的行為是在地上, 但上帝將其分別為聖

Even though the act of worship takes place on earth, God sanctifies the sphere of worship.

  • 上帝將與祂的會面看作是神聖的接触

God regards meeting with Him as a holy encounter.

  • 在與聖潔的上帝面對面時, 我們的信心被提升,勇敢不懼怕

Our faith is lifted, our fears removed when encountering the holy God.

  • 先敬拜, 後事奉, 幫助我們按照上帝的話語去信, 去行.

Worship first and then serve – helps us believe and act according to His word.

  • 敬拜將上帝的同在確實帶進生活中.

Worship brings God’s presence into our daily lives.


結語 Conclusion:

  1. 禱告親近主, 尋求祂的面, 上帝與我們同在,

Prayer, seeking God’s face, God’s presence is with us.

  1. 思考上帝長遠, 永恆的計畫, 去配合過地上的生活,靈命操練幫助我們與上帝有如此的連結,

Consider God’s long-term, eternal plan and live accordingly.

Spiritual discipline helps us make a connection with God’s eternal plan.

  1. 順從上帝的心意, 站在上帝那邊, 不求自己的選擇和道路通達,

Surrender to God’s will, stand on His side; do not seek our own choice and prosperity.

  1. 敬拜中看見大能, 榮耀的上帝, 信心被提升, 不畏懼艱難.

In worship we see the powerful and glorious God; our faith is lifted, and our courage raised.

以這樣的理解和心態來生活, 來靈修, 来完成使命,来预备永生 – 靈命必定會不一樣.

With the above understanding and mindset to live, to do our devotions, to accomplish our mission, to prepare for eternity – our spiritual life will definitely be different.


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